You can be a rockstar for $500
by Jonathan Deutsch
There has been a lot of discussion of the difference in how customers are treated at Apple stores versus AT&T stores. At the Apple stores, you’re a rock star:

click to watch the video
I went to the Valley Fair store twice on launch night. The first time (when I took this video), the line was still incredibly long, and I was amazed at how happy people were when leaving the store. Around 10:30pm I went back, noticed that despite the store being crowded the line was gone, and got a little too tempted by the call of the iPhone (ahem, no pun intended). The Apple retail employees were still as genki as ever, and cheered me on while leaving the store with my new baby.
I love how one of the guys standing front and center actually rubs the iPhone on his chest at the end of the video. Excellent.